Getting Started In Equestrian Eventing

If you want an exciting way to spend weekends and love riding, then Equestrian Eventing might be the way forward. You will have a great time training and improving and testing your skills. Eventing brings the variety of a triathlon and is great fun. Coming with three phases, you will experience show jumping, dressage and cross-country and make some great new friends. It is not difficult to start and there will be competitions, trials and new experiences to look forward to.

The Three Phases of Eventing

The first phase, dressage, showcases the partnership between a rider and their horse. Today, it still consists of performing a precise sequence of movements in the arena and is normally marked by judges. Your horse must show obedience, balance and rhythm under your control. The next phase, cross-country, is probably the most challenging. It proves the pair’s speed, bravery and endurance over a wide variety of obstacles and terrains. Finally, the last phase, show jumping, will display your horse’s ability to recover and precision jump between 12 to 15 lightweight and colourful fences. If it sounds like it might be for you, then the first thing to do is Stock up on equestrian essentials this winter, and get your feet wet in some local events.

Volunteer At Events And Find A Good Trainer

If you have never been to an event before, then a weekend visit is essential. Volunteer at local events too and find someone to share your experiences with. Once you feel ready, then it is time to find an eventing trainer and take some regular lessons with them. They will be able to help you understand the competition rules and what to do at your first events. It is also imperative to keep fit, as eventing is physically demanding for both you and your horse. Be prepared to fall off as you are learning, especially in the cross country. Make sure that you have quality equipment, helmet and a skull cap and protective vest for cross country. It does not need to be an expensive hobby, is the place to look.